Friday, January 18, 2013

Phrase of the Month: Verbal Handcuffs

Hi, i want to start off by saying I am sooooooo sorry!!! I feel so bad I haven't written in a long time so because of this I haven't done Phrase of the Month in what feels like forever!
I want to make it up to you though!
I found a fabulous I think you just might love!

Verbal Handcuffs: when there is a person who just won't shut up about a topic. This is usually a topic you have no interest in. The talker has basically trapped you there and you have to stand there and pretend you care and listen. They continue even though you have given them several signs you don't care. You might for example: give them a vacant stare, look at your watch, yawn, check your phone, or answer in a one word phrases.

I have a feeling that as you read this you have been thinking about one specific person right now. If not you might want to talk a little less! No, No I'm just kidding!

Although since I haven't done this in so long and I am so sorry I am going to give you 2 words from our english friends across the ocean that I adore!

Jim-Jams (n.): A british for pajamas
Wellies(n.): A british word for rain boots

Again I am so sorry! I hope you liked my expression and words and maybe you will use them!

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