Friday, October 26, 2012

Phrase of the Month :Don't Pull a Romney

So I am going to be starting something called Phrase of the Month. So that means I take a term that I like that I made up or isn't very popular and I make it Phrase of the Month. So if your looking for some cool new lingo you can find it here once a month.

If you have been watching the presidential debates as a democrat (thumbs up me too) then you might notice something that Mitt Romney often does. When he is talking he often criticizes something he doesn't know enough about, I like to call that a Romney. I'll provide an example.

Person A: I hate the color purple its ugly and there is only one shade
Person B: Hey dude don't pull a Romney. I happen to know that is more then one shade of purple in fact there are hundreds of shades.

Pocket Princesses

So, You might have heard about a little cartoon strip called Pocket Princesses. Well if you havent then you might think its some little kids cartoon. Well, its not. Pocket Princesses is a adorable little cartoon using Disney's old and new princesses drawn by Amy Mebberson. I recently found out about this adorable cartoon and instantly fell in live with it. From what I gathered its like all the Disney princesses bought a area and started living in it. Now after I saw one I instantly fell in love with them so before i give you a link that most likely you will never look at I wanted to allow the pictures some time to convince you themselves. So straight from Amy Mebberson's Tumblr, allow me to introduce the pocket princesses:

First before you saw any comics of them I thought I would show you them all and introduce them to you in person. From the top to the bottom its :
Snow White
And know some of my favorite cartoons of the Pocket Princesses

Now if you want to see more of these pint size princesses her is the link:

Check out the amazing creator.I hope you liked these cartoons and I hope you realized that princesses aren't just for little kids!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

One Direction Infection

So unless you have been living under a rock you have probably heard the name One Direction.  One Direction has quite obviously made a very big impact on music history. For a first they are the first commonly known boy band since 1995 when NSYNC came out. Second of all they topped The Beatles record for album sales. And to top it off this sensation won the VMA's! (Wow! Way to go One Direction!)

Now your caught up with this young boy bands achievements, you need to watch how they got these achievements to show you how this boy bands career played out I am gonna start from right out of the X Factor (where they became a band and much of their history took place). So here it is the first music video they released and the one that real reason that they are the pop idols they are today here it is One Direction "What Makes You Beautiful"
Now that you hopefully just watched that I am going to show you why these dedicated Directioners clung on because here is there most recent music video "Live While Were Young"
Now if your still deciding whether or not to fall in love with these 5 boys take a look at these great pictures of them
Now if you wanna see some AMAZING fan art check out
just to give you a little teaser here is one of here cartoons 
And I had to add one of my favorite fan art pics
I myself am a die hard Directioner and have been for a long time! Are you a Directioner? But, more importantly do you have the infection?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dogs,Dogs,Dogs, what more could you ask for!

So for right now I wanted to talk to you about dogs. Dogs are a huge part of our lives and they always have been. Even in Ancient Egypt they had dogs and they loved them (Although they are more commonly known for there love of cats.) Dogs are known as mans best friend ever since the beginning of time. Now dogs are not only loyal, trust worthy, sweet, and god damn adorable, they are very obedient. Now to make a dog obedient you have to train him/her. You can train a dog to do lots of things like saying I love you. such as shown in the clip below.
But the trick you teach your dog don't have to be as extravagant like below is clip of my dog Lucy doing Paw.

There area many quotes about dogs besides the most common one "Man's Best  Friend". One of my favorites is "A dog is the only animal that loves you more then you love yourself". For more visit

The Last thing I must show you is some pictures because you can't read about dogs with out some pictures of adorable puppies!

Welcome to Flipping Pages

So this is the beginning of something big. I want to be able to show everything i learn and everything I love and learn. I hope you like this blog and find out about new things you might like. I want to make a magazine but what if no one has the time to read it? Also i would be killing trees which sucks. So then I thought what if i made it virtual? So even thought you will never have to touch paper you can still read my paper. So sit back relax and start Flipping Pages