Monday, October 15, 2012

Dogs,Dogs,Dogs, what more could you ask for!

So for right now I wanted to talk to you about dogs. Dogs are a huge part of our lives and they always have been. Even in Ancient Egypt they had dogs and they loved them (Although they are more commonly known for there love of cats.) Dogs are known as mans best friend ever since the beginning of time. Now dogs are not only loyal, trust worthy, sweet, and god damn adorable, they are very obedient. Now to make a dog obedient you have to train him/her. You can train a dog to do lots of things like saying I love you. such as shown in the clip below.
But the trick you teach your dog don't have to be as extravagant like below is clip of my dog Lucy doing Paw.

There area many quotes about dogs besides the most common one "Man's Best  Friend". One of my favorites is "A dog is the only animal that loves you more then you love yourself". For more visit

The Last thing I must show you is some pictures because you can't read about dogs with out some pictures of adorable puppies!

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